Keep Your Faith Tank Full!

Of the many things I love about Mexico one is their gas stations.  For real! You drive up and you don’t even have to get out of the car. Somebody pumps your gas, cleans the windshield, takes your money. It’s great! In the U.S., I have to pump my own gas. I have to get out of the car and pay the money then lift the nozzle, try to get it in the gas tank without getting tangled in the hose. I usually spill a little gas on my shoes. And nobody helps you. So I hate going to the gas station. I’ve decided I’m going to drive to Mexico every time I need gas.

But I have developed a bad habit. I put off going to the gas station as long as I can because I absolutely hate filling up my own tank. My car has an alarm that tells me I need gas. But I ignore it! I keep putting it off and the alarm keeps ringing. In fact, because i’ve ignored the alarm so often most of the time I don’t even hear it. 

But suddenly! Suddenly, I remember that a car needs gas to run and I look at the gauge and it says 1 mile til empty. Then I panic. In my panic I cannot remember where there is a gas station and I begin pleading with God. “Please God, please, help me find a gas station! Have mercy on me God!”…you think i’m joking…but i’m not...Wish I was.

God always helps me. He has mercy. I’ve never run out of gas. Yet. But I always say to myself, “You need to stop this! This is crazy!”

Sometimes we do the same thing with our spiritual life.  We don’t read our Bibles. We don’t pray. We don’t come to church. 

We say, “I should read my Bible.” But we only read a verse. We say, “I should go to church...but it’s raining.”  We make excuses. We ignore the warning alarm. “You are almost out of faith! Warning! Warning! Your Faith Tank is almost empty!”

Then, suddenly! Our spiritual tanks are completely empty. And then a problem comes up. We have an accident. We get sick. We get fired from our job. And we panic. 

“Oh, God, what am I going to do? How will I feed my family. What should I do? What should I do?” 

Complete panic. Nothing in the Faith Tank! 

How can you meet the challenges of your life if your Faith Tank is empty? How can we help someone else if our Faith Tank is empty? 

Don’t ever let yourself get in that position. Keep your Tank full. We need to be full of the Word, full of power, full of the Holy Spirit. We can’t run on empty. We need determination and strength to run the race God has given us to run. 

We don’t find that in ourselves. Many Christians are trying to be good Christians in their own strength. You can’t do it! The kind of strength you need is found only in God. That kind of strength comes from having a full tank of Faith.

Mark 12:30 says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.”

Is that how we love God? Are you giving your all to Him? Are you hungry for him? Are you crazy in love with Him? Are you always talking about Him? Are you always thinking about Him? I think you are!

Col. 3:1-3 says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things of the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden in Christ in God.”

Hide yourself in God. You will be safe in God.  Use your natural strength to get your supernatural strength from God. Use your natural strength to read your Bible. Use your natural strength to get down on your knees and pray. Use your natural strength to open your mouth and sing praises to a God. By using your natural strength to do these things you will gain supernatural strength. 

And once your tank is full - and you keep it full - the next step is easy. You will be able to step into the supernatural. 

Don’t rely on yourself. Go beyond your natural abilities. Get past all your little thinking. Do big things for God. You are part of a supernatural family. 

Do you know who you are? This is who the Bible says you are:

You are a new creation in Christ. 

You are an overwhelming conqueror. 

You are alive in Christ. 

You are God’s beloved. 

You are an heir of Christ. 

You are seated in heavenly places.

You are always triumphant.

You are a master over the devil.

You are chosen.

You are healed.

You are free.

You are rich

You are delivered.

You are blessed.

You are the righteousness of God in Christ.

You are a king and a priest.

You are beautiful.

You are forgiven.

You are crowned with glory and honor.

That’s who you are!

Start believing what the Word says about you. Stop calling God a liar by saying things He never said. Stop saying I’m poor, I’m sick, I’m tired. Start acting like the Word of God is true - because it is!

John Bunyan wrote the book, Pilgrim’s Progress. But he also wrote another book called the Holy War. It’s a story about a city that is being attacked by an enemy army. The enemy is trying to break into the city through it’s five gates. The gates are named the Nose Gate, the Feel Gate, the Mouth Gate, the Eye Gate and the Ear Gate. 

You also are a city. And your enemy, the devil is trying to find a way to get into your soul. You must be careful to guard gates - your five senses. You have a defensive weapon to use against your enemy - the double edged sword of the Word of God. Use the Word of God to keep the enemy away from your gates. Be careful what you listen to, what you look at and what you say. Let your Mouth Gate be full of the Word of God. Don’t let your Feeling Gate become depressed and defeated. Don’t let the enemy find entry into your spirit where you could be defeated and made ineffective and fail to complete your assignment from God. Remember that you are a champion with Christ.

There is a miracle in your mouth. You receive miracles by what you say. But you can also stop miracles by what you say. Make sure you are saying the right thing.

God’s promises are good. And He watches over His Word to perform it. But you must say them. Take the promises of God and believe them in your heart and then say them out of your mouth. 

I want you to remember: 

1. Keep your tank full. Always keep yourself full of the Word of God.

2. Always expect the supernatural. When you know who you are in Christ you will walk in the supernatural.

3. Watch that the enemy does not break down the gates of your soul. Keep your senses focused on the Word of God.

4. Make sure you are speaking and believing the Word of God. 

Then you will grow in God! Then you will live in victory!