Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “…upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Ephesians 5:27 gives us a snapshot of the church at the return of Christ, “That He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such things [that she might be holy and faultless].” 

When Jesus returns He is not coming for a weak, defeated, depressed church. He is coming for a victorious, triumphant, GLORIOUS church. This is the church He is building and as His representatives it would be a good thing to cooperate with Him. Jesus was raised with resurrection power. That same power was transferred to the church when the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost. That same power is conferred to each one of us so that we can live the Jesus kind of lifestyle. This is a life of victory over all the devices of the enemy. This is a life of victory over sin, sickness, disease and poverty. Jesus was triumphant over all the failures of man and took the penalty in His own life for us. He became our substitute. He took my place and your place. We receive by faith what He has done for us. We are free from the curse of the law. We are free through Christ from sin, sickness and disease, poverty and spiritual death. That is our faith confession. Our faith confession in the truth of God’s Word puts us in position to receive what we are believing God for. The government of God is put into action on our behalf when we fulfill all the faith requirements. The devil and all his actions are cancelled and we rise up victorious over the enemy. God decides when your faith pleases Him. Our responsibility is to keep our faith alive and on fire through the Word of God, maintaining a strong confession of faith; speaking the solution not the problem; holding fast and firm until you receive what you are believing God for. We must walk in love; faith operates through love. Faith cannot work in your life when you are absorbed in unforgiveness, bitterness, anger or strife. Keep working on and pursuing these goals. Have a never give up attitude. Make changes and adjustments. Persevere to the end. You are destined to reign victorious in this life. This is the triumphant church and when He returns we will be presented to Him without spot or wrinkle but in glorious splendor!